Alena appears in the first two Rich Or Twitch comics
Club Founder
Jussi Richter

Founder’s Intro
Alena may not be drop-dead gorgous, but she has character and brains.
I reckon sex for a dame like her is just part of a relationship, nothing more. However, she can use it as a weapon to achieve her goals.
Alena is self-made woman who is focussed on winning.
She calmly, without haste, ponders questions and doesn’t rely on fate. Alena is ready to go to all the way. But, if she loses, will she accept her punishment hanging with dignity?
Although she’s generally polite, she has a devilish side. She’s not afraid to tease the losers, and laugh scornfully at the dumb decisions of her opponents.
She’s obviously my favourite girl, and a clear show’s favourite.
– Jussi
Jussie’s comment was made during the popular Hangovian Empire TV show, Rich Or Twitch.

Sir Antonius A
[Commentary on Alena’s defeat of, and hanging, Lenka in Rich Or Twitch Chapter 2]
Alena continues to impress me with her style and chutzpah! Well done Jussy with the Alena fan club! 😃👍
Fan Club Info
2829 members
VIP Members:
Jussi (Founder)
Sir Antoninus B
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