Charlotte Fan Club


Charlotte appears in Nude Poker Players comics.

Club Founder

Sir Antoninus B

Founder’s Intro

Charlotte first came to my attention while watching the Empire Visual Hanging Poker broadcast on IRHD (Implanted Ridiculously Hi Def) holoviewer. While I had an early attraction for several of the nude young women in the competition, Charlotte quickly became my favorite, and not just in the game! Her trim physique, cute face and charming expressions won her a legion of new fans by the minute!
Charlotte has had limited experience in the empirical workforce, with her only occupation prior to the tourney being as a junior (not very enthusiastic, but highly competent) marketer with several intergalactic fast food chains. The competition for such positions is fierce and consequently poorly paid, so she summoned up the courage (and I suspect her secret hanging fetish) to enter Beata’s dangerous competition after losing a truth or dare bet.
As it seems Charlotte will not only survive the game, but also win it she now has the finances to pursue her ambitions, and the Charlotte Fan Club will continue to support her. Hopefully she will have further chances to display her unclad physical attributes for her rapidly expanding fanbase and utilize her cunning wiles (and stool techniques!) in new and exciting ways. I, Sir A, am willing and more than able to act as her mentor and admirer in chief!

Founder’s Comments On Charlotte’s Poker Game

Apart from her game attributes, Charlotte is clearly the cutest of all the stunning contestants. And, her attitude, even at the start, made this brunette stand out from the crowd!

Half of us, in her fan club, hope Charlotte wins and becomes an on-going feature of the game, maybe as an on-site (nude of course) technical consultant. While the other half hope she maybe not loses, but that Beata finds an excuse to string her up anyway. they are sure she will be the most outstanding dancer in the history of Poker. It’s a tough call!

[Sir A’s comment was made during Nude Poker Players Season 1]

– Sir Antoninus B

Fan Club Membership

9729 members

VIP Members:

Sir Antoninus B (Founder)

Reptillor Top Tipper!

Other Members Of Significance:

Bandi (Nude Poker Players Season 2): Bandi joined a hanging poker tournament after being inspired by Charlotte’s victory.

Comments From The Comics

Sir A now has me investigating the possible acquisition of a private strip club accessible by only the highest tier Charlotte Fans, (The Charlotte Harlots!) of which he and I are currently the only members, and Charlotte will be the only dancing attraction… hmmm, and he is talking about dead dolling all the defeated first Nude Poker Players to act as hostesses… well, you could never accuse Sir A of having mundane ideas?! 🤔🧐🥴
– TB

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