Samantha appears in these comics: Trixabels Hangversity chapters 1 and 2. She is renound in the Empire as the worlds most bitter receptionist.
Club Founder
Sir Antoninus B

Founder’s Intro
Sir Antonius is returned, at last, from his International Playboy business, on one of his luxury yachts. Here is his introduction to his fan club.
As a privileged member of the elite class in the Hangovian Empire, I am, of course, able to elicit any confidential information about ladies that I require, from many sources.
My new friend, Claire Cosmo, has put me in contact with the amazing Trixabel of Hangversity empire wide fame. And, coincidentally, her new receptionist at THU, Samantha.
Now those who i permit to know me more than casually are aware that conventional facial beauty is not one of my prerequisites for gaining my favour or admiration. On meeting Samantha, I thought that she was not the obvious choice for a front of office role. This was because she has a seemingly permanent ‘sourpuss’ expression, and rarely smiled. She purses her mouth disparagingly when addressed by everyone, it seems, except Lady Trixabel.
Rather than off-putting, I found this fascinating. Particularly since the day we met was a THU designated ‘Code Nude One’ day, and all staff and students were completely naked. I must admit that Sam’s (I call her “Sam“, now) bodily assets are simply stunning.
After my session with Trixabel, I took Sam back for lunch at my super-hotel and got to know her a bit better. Turns out she had been forcibly sent to THU by her nasty parents: who were expecting her to be hanged quickly; and expecting to reap the consequent financial benefits.
This would put a frown on any face I thought. But over lunch Sam told me she was surprised that, even after just a few days, she had been spending her spare time wandering the campus in the nude, watching trixys being hanged, listening to students discussing their nude hanging experiences, and getting more excited day by day.
Now, it seems Sam was tasked to supervise the hanging of three students by a mother-and-daughter team, during which she, herself, actually hanged one of the girls.
Although Lady Trixabel told her this was unauthorised, she sent Sam to complete a test for her hangwoman’s license. This test, while having a 60% chance of failure, and consequent execution, Sam is excited to do.
Samantha is actually really cute when she smiles (or isn’t cranky); and has a spectacular body. And, here she is, rejuvenated with a newly discovered desire to hang or be hanged naked. She’s eager to see what fate the Hangovian Empire brings her! Just my kind of girl!
– Sir Antoninus B
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Sir Antoninus B (Founder)
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